Lillian Claire Altizer

Lilli's page of memories...

Oh no!!!!

January 20, 2009 / 19 months old

Today, I was at home with Lilli by ourselves again, and I decided to go out and get the mail, nothing out of the ordinary. I grabbed the key to the mailbox, told Lilli that I'd be right back, and I shut the door behind me. We just moved into our new place about 2 weeks ago. I went to the mailbox, no mail. I came back to the door, and .... are you kidding me??? THE DOOR WAS LOCKED!! It was so surreal at first. I went up to each door in our townhouse row banging on the doors. No answer, no answer, no answer! Finally, I got to the last door, and as I was walking away, this lady came to the door. She let me in to call Matt. Twice the call wouldn't go through, so I panicked even more. Finally, I get Matt, luckily, and I told him. He immediately hung up the phone and headed our way. I just kept telling myself... she's okay, she's just watching TV. I stood by my front door listening for her; I didn't hear a sound. Then, I hear "mama", in a very unaware voice. I knocked, and she came to the door and tried to open it for a second. She went right back to what she was doing. Our neighbor stood outside with me, and said she saw a car coming. I asked her if it was green, but it WASN'T. But the car kept coming our way; the silver car gets close enough and I see that it was Matt. He runs up in silence and opens the door. We both rush in calling to Lilli, and there she is, like nothing happened, just watching the TV. She had and has no idea that anything happened. Thank you Jesus that Matt was able to get here so fast and that he answered my phone call!!!! I called to tell my daddy the story, and he said I need to write it down; that is why I'm blogging it now. Lilli, one day you will laugh about this :)

Matt tells me later:
He ran 3 stop lights and was going 85 miles an hour. He was already prepared to explain it all to the police officer if he was pulled over. Wow! He was really scared too!

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008
Everyone comments on her lips in this picture... really, she was such a ham that day!

Tyler and Lilli this summer

Tyler and Lilli this summer

Visiting with Aunts and Uncles

Visiting with Aunts and Uncles

Uncle Bill and Aunt Susie

We just got done running the Army 10 miler! Woohoo! We did it! In just under 2 hours!

We just got done running the Army 10 miler!  Woohoo!  We did it!  In just under 2 hours!

Me and Lisa ! Yah! We're done!

Me and Lisa ! Yah! We're done!

Steve runs 8 min miles... needless to say, he finished way before us!

Steve runs 8 min miles... needless to say, he finished way before us!

after the race

after the race

Lisa ran for her dad! He was a Vietnam Army Soldier

Lisa ran for her dad!  He was a Vietnam Army Soldier

Lisa and Steve

Lisa and Steve

Wine festival... in Manassas

Wine festival... in Manassas

Wine festival

Wine festival

So cute! We were at the wine festival.

So cute!  We were at the wine festival.

Lilli getting her diaper changed in the middle of the field

Lilli getting her diaper changed in the middle of the field




Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our Lilli's page of memories....

Lillian Claire Altizer
Born: June 4th, 2007
6 lbs. 14 oz
6:08 a.m.

Father: Matthew B. Altizer
Mother: Sarah G. Altizer

Lilli and me

Lilli and me
6/4/2008 - Wed - taken on Lilli's 1st birthday

Matt and Sarah riding the weinie bob!

Matt and Sarah riding the weinie bob!


Lindsay and Tyler on the weinie bob!

Lindsay and Tyler on the weinie bob!

At the Lake

At the Lake

Lilli and Aunt Lynzi

Lilli and Aunt Lynzi
1st Birthday Party 6/7/08

Watching Fireworks from the boat on the Lake

Watching Fireworks from the boat on the Lake

Lilli was worn out from the busy birthday

Lilli was worn out from the busy birthday

5/7/08 Lilli standing on the stroller!!!


I am sitting at my computer, and Lilli is playing by herself at the bookshelf. I look back at her, and she is STANDING in the seat of the stroller, hands free! She looks at me grinning from ear to ear. I run over and grab her to saftey! Little squirt had crawled up the stroller using the bookshelf.


Lilli is the next American Idol!!!


Lilli says "no" to eating spaghetti

Lilli won't crawl on the grass

Dear Sarah,

Thanks for sharing the videos of Lilli getting up close and personal with grass. Both videos were a lot of fun to watch. Just goes to show that children raised in apartment buildings find nature to be a little strange at first. I remember taking Steve to a park when he was about 1 1/2 years old and he started picking up the leaves and rocks and throwing them away in the park trash can.

Love, Aunt Linda, Uncle John and Steve

Lilli finaly crawls on the grass

Abigail Quisenberry Photography
Feb 2008

Picnic in the Park

Picnic in the Park

Lilli gives open mouth kisses.... silly Lilli

Lilli gives open mouth kisses.... silly Lilli

Lillian Claire


Newborn Lillian

Newborn Lillian Claire